Berry's Library



The easiest way to get in contact with me atm would be through my tumblr askbox or dms! I’m usually open to messages on any topic, though reply time may vary. If we are mutuals on any site, have interacted in a positive way on a forum/wiki, or have similar interests that you’d want to talk about together, feel free to ask for my discord through there!

If you like my art/writting you can leave a tip!
I’m not the best at handling commissions, but if you request I may draw/write something when you leave a tip. You can also request through my askbox and I will give it a try if you ask nicely and I am feeling up for it!

For more information on my blog/essays/writings, please see my blog’s separate About page.


My hobbies include drawing, writing, crafting (mostly paper crafts!), researching and learning! I teach English at the college-level as my day job (I’d like to be a college professor one day!) and do event production/concert logistics for side work (audio+visual tech/equipment management). My academic interests include Literary Criticism, Sociology, Mexican-American cultural studies, teaching methodologies and more! When it comes to plain-text books, I enjoy reading essayists, non-fiction, and short stories the most.

In terms of entertainment, I enjoy reading, playing video games, listening to music and watching concert videos the most. I do as a bit of regular television watching at times, as well. The things I like to read most are graphic novels and manga, especially yuri or things with a GL/lesbian bent to them (or at the very least, stories that I can happily pretend are full of lesbians lol). I read most kinds of stories and, instead of a preferred genre, I prefer works with an emphasis on character building, intense emotions, and unique themeing. I have also recently been exploring the world of visual novels and finding a lot I enjoy there too.

Speaking of games, overall I like puzzle games, strategy games, rhythm games, idol-growing games, and occasionally multiplayer games that I can play with friends. I mostly play on PC/Nintendo switch/Nintendo 3DS. I have a decked out, fully modded 3DS that is my pride and joy, and I still regularly play games on there! But sometimes a simple crossword or game of solitaire will keep me entertained for hours lol

As for music, a large part of my brain is dedicated to J-pop, anisong, Vocaloid and idol music, the subculture of which I have been a part of since I was very young. I often spend lot of time just sitting (or walking), listening to music, and reading lyrics. This topic is especially emphasized on the blog portion of my website, and I recommend that you look there for more of my thoughts and opinions! #MusicIsLife ♥

Fandom Interests

Here's a list of things I am very passionate about and will gladly talk/write/draw about frequently:

Other things I'm into and might talk about to varying degrees. In no particular order:

To Add

Links to other places I am/have been on the web, a bit about my kitties, and projects I have been on!

Final Note

Go finish your homework right now!

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