About this blog
Hello! My name is Berry. I like to write, draw, and create things sometimes. This blog is where I am going to put my writings/essays/ramblings/media reviews+analysis from now on!
I have a professional background in writing and several years of writing instruction experience, but mostly in a research essay/lit crit type way. My creative writing skills are less polished, so don't expect much in terms of fictional stories.
A long term Idolmaster music review series is planned and on it's way down the pipeline, but until then, I'll be writing a few other random things here and there to get the wheels turning.
I try to keep my writing clear, straightforward, and balanced, but sometimes I just freak it. If you really want to understand what kind of writing geek I am, just know that I really enjoy sentence diagramming lol
Check out my full About page for more information!